Rainbow Friends Chapter 2

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You may have succeeded to survive an encounter with the rainbow friends in the first chapter. But unfortunately, you have been lost and retuned back to the ODD world. The danger is not over as you are well aware that treacherous monsters are somewhere around. They did not give up their idea to catch you. So you embark on a new adventure where you are to compete with cunning opponents. This time, it will be much harder not to fall victim of these evil creatures.

Lots of tasks are awaiting you!

You are completely alone against a bunch of antagonists who are determined to capture you. Even if you meet a new personage in this strange place – he does not want to believe your story about monsters. All he can do for you is to give you a hint about how to send a SOS signal. You will have to collect 25 bulbs that are scattered around the place. This is your first task in this chapter. Then, you will need to look for 15 gas canisters to escape the most dangerous area. After it, you are to collect 10 lookies. And finally, you must discover some sugar packs. But even if you manage to complete all these trials, the story is not over. But it will not be exciting to know everything in advance. So you must gain this experience yourself! One thing you may be sure about – you will enjoy every moment spent on this entertainment. We bet you have never gone through so many thrills at once. Will you manage to mislead rainbow friends and run away from them all?

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